Premixes for the food industry

The extensive experience and knowledge of MIAVIT Food makes it possible to find the perfect micronutrient blend for each product. The blends are customised based on the needs of each product. with the aim of minimising interactions and undesirable effects in order to minimise interactions and undesirable effects to achieve a tasty end product of a high standard.

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One could grab a fruit juice on the go or enjoy a glass of cold iced tea, there is no refuting the high consumption rate of beverages. While one can benefit from the Vitamin C in freshly squeezed orange juice, it isn’t always feasible to procure it. Fortification of beverages broadens the avenue to ensure fulfillment of daily micronutrient requirement.

Meal replacement drinks have recently gained great popularity in the market owing to their convenience and the fortification of such drinks is absolutely necessary to reap its benefits.

MIAVIT Food specializes in creating customized vitamin and mineral blends according to customer requirements for various beverages and drinks.

Applicable in:

  • Fruit juices
  • Energy drinks
  • Fruit syrup
  • Meal replacement drinks


Sweets and confectioneries are relished by everyone and beyond the boundaries of age. Be it a toffee with coffee or pudding after lunch, there is an abundance of confectioneries for one to choose from throughout the day. While these foods satisfy the sweet tooth, they add a very small nutritional value to one’s diet.

Fortification of confectioneries with vitamins and minerals helps bridge this gap. Consumers are presented with the benefits of sufficing nutritional needs alongside satisfying cravings.

MIAVIT Food specializes in creating customized vitamin and mineral blends according to customer requirements for various confectionery goods.

Applicable in:

  • Boiled sweets
  • Chocolate and desserts
  • Candies and gummies


In our fast-paced world, it‘s crucial to acknowledge the relevance of nutritional gaps in everyday diets. Many individuals rely on processed and convenience foods that often lack essential vitamins and minerals, unknowingly fall short of their daily nutrient requirements, leading to a range of health consequences. Grain flours such as wheat flour, rice flour and maize flour to name a few are regularly used in daytoday cooking. Fortification of such staple foods with vitamins and minerals helps ensure the fulfilment of daily nutritional requirements. Such staple foods provide the perfect channel for delivery of required micronutrients through every meal consumed.

MIAVIT Food specializes in creating customized vitamin and mineral blends according to customer requirements for various staple foods.

Applicable in:

  • Flour (wheat, corn, rice)
  • Cereals


Dairy products are vastly consumed by individuals throughout the day in various forms. It is common knowledge that dairy products are rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin D. Fortification of dairy products with vitamins and minerals extensively adds value to the nutritional profile. Dairy products in the market include spreads, milkshakes, flavored yoghurts and many more, presenting us with an opportunity to add value to multiple products setting them apart from their counterparts.

MIAVIT Food specializes in creating customized vitamin and mineral blends according to customer requirements for various dairy products.

Applicable in:

  • Milk
  • Yoghurt
  • Kefir
  • Spreads


There is a global shift towards vegan and vegetarianism in the recent years. In the EU alone, 10% of the population follows a vegan or vegetarian diet.
The numbers are constantly on the rise owing to awareness to environmental effects of meat consumption. While the paradigm shift is beneficial for the environment, vegans and vegetarians are at the risk of contracting vitamin deficiencies. Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Calcium, Iron and Zinc are predominantly abundant in meat sources thus rendering their fortification in meat replacers an absolute necessity. Processed foods such as meat analogues mimic the taste and texture of meat to a great extent satiating the tastebuds of many. Vitamin and mineral fortification of these processed food can provide the consumer with sufficient nutrition along with the taste.

Applicable in:

  • Meat and fish analogues
  • Vegetarian processed foods
  • Dairy free drinks

Bakery Premixes

Baked goods are a part and parcel of one’s food habits. Be it a cookie with coffee or a sandwich at lunch, there is an abundance of baked goods for one to choose from throughout the day. The consumption of bread and bakery products in Europe is estimated to be 57kgs per capita, establishing that bakery products make their way into almost every meal providing us with an opportunity for vitamin and mineral fortification. This enables us to improve the nutritional status of the bakery product.

MIAVIT Food specializes in creating customized vitamin and mineral blends according to customer requirements for various bakery products.

Applicable in:

  • Biscuits
  • Bread
  • Pastries

Let's talk about vitamins!

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